Friday, July 11, 2008

Nik's Trophy Swim

While Brodie and I were at his TaeKwonDo tournament, Marion and Nik travelled to Antioch so that Nik could earn his swim trophy. In order to earn your trophy you must jump off the diving board and swim the entire 75 foot length of the pool without touching the bottom, and you can only earn your trophy at one of Clark and Ingrid's swim shows. June 28th was the only swim show they would have during summer, so this was Nik's one and only chance.

The show starts with the parade of athletes, about 75 swim students ranging in age from infant to 13 years old. After the National Anthem and the release of the balloons, Clark and Ingrid have the students at each level demonstrate the skills that they have been learning. Nik was one of 15 students who had just reached the level where they can swim using side-breathing the length of the pool. Nik's dive off the board wasn't graceful, but he swam steadily across the whole pool until he swam into the baby pool at the opposite end to earn his trophy.

After the show all the students enjoyed chocolate sundaes and giant chocolate-chip cookies, along with lemonade to drink. When everyone was gone, Nik got to spend some fun time in the water with his Omi and Opa. He had a great time visiting his grandparents in Antioch, but it was a happy reunion when we all arrived home on Sunday evening from our separate adventures.

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